Mobile Ultrasound Pregnancy Scanning and Microchipping Services

Puppy Love scan and chip

lost dog

I am a fully licensed CPD Level 3 Professional Implanter providing a mobile microchipping service for puppies and kittens throughout North Shropshire and surrounding areas.

At Puppy Love scan&chip our aim is to deliver an essential service in a relaxed environment that puts your pet’s comfort first.

I choose to only use the smallest ‘Nano’ 7mm microchips (ISO Standard) on the market to significantly reduce discomfort on implantation.

lost puppy

Why Microchip?

Sadly, thousands of pets are lost or stolen each year, microchipping your pet and registering their details on a national database gives you the best chance of finding them and being reunited.

Microchipping offers pet owners the only truly permanent method of identification, each microchip carries it own unique identification number which once identified greatly improves their chances of getting back home safely.


It is a legal requirement to microchip all dogs before they reach 8 weeks of age and to register each dog’s identity and its keeper’s contact details on a approved database. (The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015). Please be aware, failure to comply can result in a fine of up to £500.

Cats and Kittens

Under new legislation that came into effect on the 10th June 2024, owners must ensure their cat is microchipped before they reach the age of 20 weeks with their contact details stored and kept up to date in an approved pet microchipping database. Failing to do so could result in a £500 fine.

Advantages Of Mobile Microchipping

When to Microchip

What To Expect At Your Pet’s Appointment

The length of appointment is 30+ minutes depending on size of litter.

Step 1

Informed Consent

I will use this time to talk through the microchipping procedure and what it entails. I will ask you to fill in an informed consent form for each pet being microchipped. This ensures all of the pet’s details are correct before entering them onto the database.

Step 2

Fitting the microchip

First and most importantly, we ensure your pet is as relaxed as possible. I will position your pet on a comfy vet bed mat, usually placed on a table or similar and ask you to hold them in place. I will carry out a scan to check no previous chip has been inserted to give you peace of mind. When the pet is ready, we insert a needle between the shoulder blades and release the micro chip under the skin. For most pets this will be painless as there are very few nerves in this area. As soon as the needle is withdrawn I will apply pressure on the injection site with an antibacterial skin wipe to reduce any bleeding and risk of infection. We will then scan the chip under the skin to check firstly that the micro chip is in the correct place and secondly to ensure the scanner picks up the unique id and links correctly to the database.

Step 3

Pet Registration

Within 24hrs of the appointment all puppies and kittens will be registered on the Smarttrace National Pet Database with a UK based call centre available 24/7 offering expert support with a dedicated lost/stolen service. You will receive a confirmation email from them to acknowledge registration of the microchip.

It is important to stay on the right side of the law to ensure your details are kept up to date. This includes change of address and contact information.

After The Appointment

Avoid contact with the implantation area for at least 4 hours, this also allows time for the implant site to settle and heal during which your pet may be a little sensitive to the site being touched.

I would advise keeping your pet indoors to reduce the risk of any dirt entering the injection site which may cause an infection.

Do not put a harness or clothing on your pet for at least 4 hours to prevent any rubbing as it could cause the site to become inflamed and painful.

Do not bathe your pet for at least 24 hours after implantation to give the implantation site time to heal and avoid infection.

Full written aftercare instructions will be given to you at your pet’s appointment.

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